A day ago, the Voice of America, citing the Delegation of the European Union in Albania, reported that the start of the implementation of the IPARD III program in support of Albanian agriculture has been suspended, while IPARD II is being investigated.
In a first reaction, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, invited to the "Debate" by Alba Alishani, emphasized that it is very important to clarify the terminology used in the EU delegation's letter about this sensitive issue, which also citizens to be clearer.
To begin with, Minister Anila Denaj clarified that it is not a matter of suspension, but of putting the program on hold at a time when all processes are under full monitoring.
According to the minister, it is a preventive measure, which was not taken only in Albania, until the country is ready for institutional improvement.
And, secondly, regarding the report submitted by OLAF to the EC, which mentions 71 cases of irregularities, Denaj clarifies that it is about cases reported by Albania itself during 2022.
"In the progress report of the EC, which is one of the best that has been done for Albania over the years. When it comes to the issue of 71 cases, it is said that in 2022, Albania reported 71 cases of irregularities."
And, the difference here, according to the minister, is that the conditions have been created to enable reporting of irregularities by the internal structures of the country.
"In the internal monitoring structures, which have been a continuous work of the institutions, and not only of the Ministry of Agriculture, of the audit reports in particular, they have created a prerequisite to enable what is called warnings or reports on irregularities from the inner structures themselves.”
However, the minister adds that there is still room for improvement and an even greater cooperation between the structures is required to improve the investigation.
While, regarding the question of when these funding programs for agriculture can be "unlocked", the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development explained that in particular, the IPARD III program has 9 measures and this, as she said, requires more time. stronger institutions and some lessons about institutional capacities. (A2 Televizion)